Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy

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A Dynamic Body Balancing session with Dr. Hurley includes cranial work, full-body myofascial unwinding, and balancing your energy field.

This is beneficial for people with chronic pain, old injuries, car accidents, and trauma survivors. This is also a key part of treating TMJ or TMD.

This is also very beneficial for pregnant mothers to unwind their bodies in order to achieve balance for their birth. Babies can also benefit from releasing tension through a gentle unwinding, especially after a traumatic birth.

Dynamic Body Balancing is a powerful technique to unwind physical tension in the body. This is best experienced in conjunction with regular chiropractic care. Your session may include a myofascial release of the legs and hips, arms and shoulders, or diaphragm and ribcage. This may also include craniosacral work through unwinding the spinal cord and cranials, as well as intraoral TMJ work.

Dynamic Body Balancing also creates space to recognize that we store emotions, memories, and traumas in our body. A common example of this is when we are stressed our shoulders can become tense. Similarly, we can store grief in our hip. We may have anxiety around driving after a car accident locked into our arms. As we unwind the physical tension it is common to notice a release of energy and emotion.

While this can be a beautiful way to process traumas and release patterns of difficult emotions, be aware it does not replace mental health support and is best experienced in conjunction with regular therapy/counseling.

Be prepared to continue to process and integrate the next day or two after our session. Ideas to support yourself as you continue to release tension and energy the next few days after our session are:

  • Epsom salts baths
  • Grounding/Earthing (walking barefoot in grass and dirt)
  • Journaling
  • Yoga
  • Walks
  • Hiking
  • Float Spas
  • Infrared sauna
  • Salt therapy/halotherapy at a salt room
  • Sound therapy through sound baths
  • Massage
  • Acupuncture
Craniosacral Therapy

How Does Dynamic Body Balancing Work?

After balancing the cranium, we continue to cranial facial. We continue with more jaw work. We balance the bones in the face, and then we go inside the mouth. We work on the cranial bones from the inside. We’re checking the palate. We are working on the jaw, the TMJ. We can even do unwinding in the teeth and unwind the tongue. This is some pretty crazy work, but it has been huge, especially for my babies, that they either need a tongue tie, lip tie revision, or they just got one. And sometimes they don’t respond like we think we’re going to. Most of the time, I send these babies for a tongue tie revision, and it’s instantly better. Their latch is better. The tension in their body is better. They’re holding their adjustments better. They’re not as fussy.

Who Can Benefit From Dynamic Body Balancing?

We have been able to use it on many, many, many patients of all ages, day one brand newborn babies, and I believe our oldest patient was 93 that we have done this beautiful, gentle, safe and effective cranial work on. It is really effective for.

Here are a few of the issues that Craniosacral Therapy and Dynamic Body Balancing can help with:

  • Chronic pain
  • Old injuries
  • Car accidents
  • Trauma survivors
  • TMJ
  • TMD
  • Pregnancy issues
  • Babies with traumatic births
  • Migraines
  • Vertigo
I was suffering from stroke-like symptoms such as paralysis, passing out and not being able to speak. I went to many different doctors and they did every test and they diagnosed me with anxiety and sent me home. It wasn’t until Dr. Hurley treated me with Craniosacral Therapy that i ggot any relief.

Sarah M.


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