Chronic Pain 1

Hey everyone. It’s Dr. Hurley at Hurley Chiropractic. We’re talking about this topic of chronic pain. And as a chiropractor, I work with those who experience chronic pain every single day. It is one of the most rewarding parts of my job to be able to help somebody who has chronic pain to get some relief or to manage their symptoms. But it’s also very bittersweet part of my job, and I’ll get to the bittersweet part here in a little bit. But I do have a message for everybody out there that experiences chronic pain. My message is give yourself some grace, please be easy on yourself. Please recognize that what you are doing every single day is harder because you have chronic pain. It’s more draining, it’s more exhausting. And it takes more effort to plan your day’s activities, to plan your fun social activities as well as your daily living activities and chores around your pain to manage it. And if you’re someone that chronically experiences pain, you may not even realize you are doing it.

So I’m going to give some examples. If you plan your social outings, maybe when you go to the movies, you choose certain seating to help minimize your discomfort while you’re watching the movie. If you plan your chores, like your grocery shopping and your cooking on separate days, because long periods of standing drains you or exacerbates your chronic pain. If you are planning your daily life around needing breaks or needing to manage your pain. That’s a lot. And so I do want to give all of you this message. If you relate to this topic of chronic pain, give yourself some grace. Take care of yourself and recognize that you are doing so much more than you think you’re doing. If you feel like you’re not getting enough done on your to-do list, or you feel frustrated or hopeless looking around thinking of all the things you’ve got to do. And you do not have the energy or the strength, or even the endurance of not wanting to exacerbate your pain to do that. Just take a minute to pat yourself on the back and take care of yourself.

Pregnancy and Birth

Hey, everyone. It’s Dr. Emily Hurley. I am so excited to share with you today. Our talk is about level three of the dynamic body balancing series that I took over the last couple of years. And level three class when I went to Dallas and trained with Dr. Carol Phillips was all about pregnancy and birth. I think everyone knows that I am so passionate about helping pregnant moms. And what some of you may not know is I even offer home visit services to help moms during labor, if laboring at home, and if birthing at home to also help during the birth as well. So this is something that is near and dear to my heart. And this series that I took, the dynamic body balancing was a complete game changer for how I treat my pregnant moms. And it is huge for helping moms to balance their bodies in order to get ready for birth.

So we actually unwind the hips, the sacrum, we unwind the uterus. So we could do so many things to create balance in moms throughout pregnancy in order to prepare their bodies for birth. So it’s been really amazing to see the results of this. This is where I am so passionate that every single pregnant mom in the world I wish could be getting this dynamic body balancing and doing unwinding throughout their pregnancy.

It is absolutely amazing to see the results of it. One of the coolest, most immediate results that I got to be a part of an experience was at a recent home birth I was at. So we have two doulas in our office that are also training to be midwives, Nicole and [inaudible 00:02:02]. They are apprentice mid midwives, and they were at a home birth and they gave me a call and said, “This mom, she’s been laboring all night and all day. And the baby’s just not engaging in the pelvis. Baby feels like they’re almost diagonal, like stuck into the right hip. So the contractions are inconsistent. Labor’s just not progressing. And we really feel like mom needs to be balanced out.”

So I was able to go, I did adjust mom. I did adjust between the contractions and I do it however the mom is most comfortable. I can adjust while they’re standing, while they’re laying on their side, while they’re on all fours, while they’re on a birthing ball. When I go to births, it’s not the type of chiropractic care that you imagine where you lay face down on the table, we twist, pop and crack. That might not be something that moms think that they would want during birth.

However, the beauty of the birthing process is to tune into whatever the mom’s body needs and where the mom is at that time. So that is one of the really cool things that I get to do is be very adaptable and tune in with the mom in however they’re feeling in order to get her adjusted and help to get her balanced out. So I did do some adjusting, and then I did some unwinding. We did unwinding in her hips, her uterus, and unwound her legs and the sacrum. And it was pretty cool to see the instant results that this mom… the baby had not been in the ideal position all night, all day and after about 30 minutes of the adjusting and the unwinding that the midwives were able to palpate and say, “Oh, the baby’s head down now and right in the center.” So that was really amazing experience and very cool to see some instant results of once mom’s body is balanced out, then the baby can get in the right position.

Now again, I always, always, always try to emphasize this to my moms and to the birth professionals that I work with. I am not manipulating the baby’s position. That would be outside of my scope. I’m not trying to move baby or reposition baby. Same thing when we work with breach moms. Chiropractic, Webster care, and unwinding does amazing things for helping balance mom’s body. And typically, if a baby is breech, they will often go head down into a cephalic presentation when the mom’s body is balanced.

But in those cases, it’s the same thing. I am not trying to turn the baby. I am not manipulating the baby at all. I am balancing the mom. I’m balancing her pelvis, her muscles, her ligament, and balancing her [inaudible 00:04:57] system and then the baby can get into the right. It’s intuitive for baby. It’s what they will do naturally if the mom’s body is balanced in most cases. So that was really amazing. And the cool thing was, the midwives hadn’t shared with me beforehand, but they were getting to the point where mom’s blood pressure was starting to creep a little higher than it had been and baby’s heart rate was just slightly on the end of what they were wanting to see.

So they were starting to have those red flags in their mind of, is this safe or is this going to have to be a hospital birth? So they took the vitals directly after we finished our unwinding and adjusting. And for the vitals to be perfect and the baby’s position to be so much improved instantly was such a cool and instant result to get to see.

This kind of work is also great for if moms are having back labor, if the contractions are inconsistent, if baby’s position is not ideal. Basically anything in labor that might not be going great, may be benefited from getting mom’s body balanced out. I will say I only do birth work, labor work, home visits for moms that have been under my care during pregnancy. So if it’s something you think you might be interested in, please come and get established as a patient. Let’s get you adjusted. Let’s do some unwinding.

Because what I really learned from this experience was it was great and very cool to get to work on balancing out this mom and making such a big difference in this birth experience for her. But it taught me the lesson that I need to be doing it sooner and more often throughout pregnancy. So that hopefully if you’re a mom, [inaudible 00:06:48] need me during the birth, and if you do, your body’s already used to being balanced out and used to getting this work done so that we can make really, really quick changes and have some really cool impacts on how these births are going.

And in turn how these babies are being born and the health of the baby’s bodies as well. So this is what I love to do. Every single mom absolutely needs to get adjusted, absolutely needs to get some body balance thing done. And I also always, always throw in that every single mom needs a doula. These midwives and doulas, they were able to recognize, this is a time that adjustments might help. And even if moms think about it ahead of time, and we talk about it ahead of time, and I tell them, “Please text me when you’re in labor.” It all goes out the window and they don’t remember to call me. They don’t remember, their partner doesn’t remember. They’re all caught up in the moment. So having a doula really helps you to remember what are your options, helps you to support you, helps you to feel really secure and certain, and guided along the way during your pregnancy and birth experience, any even postpartum support as well.

So if you want a recommendation for doula in your area, if you’re pregnant and want a recommendation for a chiropractor in your area that does Webster technique, or if you want to find out if there is any dynamic body balancing practitioners in your area as well, please reach out to me. I’d love to be able to help direct you to those resources on our blog. I will also post links to those directories so that if you are not in Conway, Arkansas, or in Central Arkansas area, but you still would like to get adjusted and to do some of this body balancing, I would love to be able to help you with that.

So reach out to me, call my office. Send us a message on social media or go to these links that I’m going to post with the directory so that you can hopefully have a beautiful and healthy pregnancy. And also send this to your friends that might be pregnant. Send this to any pregnant mom. Empower them and let them know that there’s a lot they can do to get their bodies balanced down to prepare for birth. Okay. Thanks, everyone.


Hello everybody, it’s Dr. Emily Hurley. I am going to talk to you today about the next level of the dynamic body balancing series that I have been taking over the last two years and level two, meaning the second weekend of trainings that I went to with Dr. Carol Phillips was the cranial work. If you guys have been following along, I first got into this work and sought out the dynamic body balancing series to take because I love cranial work and I wanted to learn more. The second weekend that I attended a couple of years ago, it was really what I was excited for to be learning. I have been able to use it on many, many, many patients of all ages, day one brand newborn babies, and I believe my oldest patient was 93 that I have done this beautiful, gentle, safe and effective cranial work on. It is really effective for first things we think of patients with headaches, patients with migraines, especially that pressure pain behind the eye. That is from our sphenoid bone that’s in the center of the skull behind the eyes, shifting out of place puts pressure on that eye.

TMJ if you have jaw pain, clicking, popping, locking of the jaw, that’s a TMJ issue. We do a lot of work on the adjusting and chiropractic side, I always balance out the spine of the neck and I can even adjust the jaw. But we cannot forget about the T part of TMJ. TMJ is the temporomandibular joint, the temporal bone being the bone in your skull that your jaw fits into. I always have to balance the skull first and unwind the temporal bones, balance those out before I start working on the jaw. TMJ responds great with the cranial work. Vertigo actually can be helped by the cranial work as well. Also, adjusting that C1 vertebrae can really help with vertigo. But if that doesn’t do the trick I balance the cranials especially again back to the temporal bone, because the temporal bone is where our inner ear is sitting. Vertigo responds great. This time of year I’ve been using it a ton for my patients with sinus pressure, sinus congestion, sinus infections. There’s also some additional sinus relief and sinus drainage techniques that I do, but I always start with balancing the cranials.

If we can get the cranials balanced, we can get everything moving better and flowing better. One of the things that I… I never know how to explain this to people, because the last thing I ever want to do is make someone feel judged or criticized. But I will say that in some people I can see a very significant difference from one side of their face to the other. Maybe one eyebrow is a lot higher, one eye looks a lot bigger, maybe their nose is diagonal to the side, or their jaw is sitting one way. I’m actually now I’m looking at my own face in the camera, which I try not to do because then I get distracted. I have some imbalances in my face too. When I see those significant differences from side to side in the face, that’s something I go okay the cranium is twisted, the face is rotated and there’s probably a lot of tension and unwinding that needs to be done in there. Especially people I know really well like my sister for instance.

I can look at her and know she’s about to get a headache, or she just started to get one, because one side of her face will drop down, one eyebrow looks much lower and one crease beside her nose is a lot deeper. I know like something just happened, her whole cranium shifted and she’s about to get a bad migraine. One of the things that I actually hear a lot and it is very, very true, I always thought it was kind of a myth or one of those wives’ tale things, but the weather changes, and we’ve had crazy, crazy weather changes lately. That can make a big impact when the different pressures change abruptly and certain pressure systems come through. It can true trigger those migraines and headaches for those people, or vertigo for the people that are sensitive to it. But I’ve learned in those people where the weather is usually a trigger, if we can unwind and open up the cranium, get it moving the way it’s supposed to, then they’re a little less susceptible to those drastic pressure changes. Their body is able to adapt to the changes in their environment better.

That’s really what chiropractic and body work is all about, is helping the body to… Our bodies should be able to adapt to changes. Our bodies shouldn’t crumble every time we have a little bit of stress, or we get a little less sleep or the weather changes, and yet those things can take us down when our body is locked up and in a stressed state all the time. So look at your face, does your face look like it could use some balancing? If you’ve ever had head trauma, whiplash in a car accident, if you played sports, those are all times that your cranium might lock down and stay stuck or imbalanced, and the cranial work is amazing to open that up and to do the unwinding. I’ve even had some really cool success with some crazy cases. I had a patient for years she has these episodes she calls them of these crazy stroke-like symptoms, where her whole face will go paralyzed and she can’t talk, which is horrible and scary. She’s been to a million doctors and they’ve done every test and they’ve diagnosed her with anxiety for that.

Side note, she is the third patient in a year that has told me that she has stroke-like symptoms like paralysis or passing out or cannot speak, and was diagnosed with anxiety for it and sent home and dismissed. That’s my side note of anger for when we are dismissed as patients. If I can help you advocate for yourself in those scenarios please let me know, I always want to encourage you. You know what no, that doesn’t sound right, go back and seek out a different doctor and ask these questions. I always try to advocate for my patients in those ways, because anxiety in a normal healthy person that never had anxiety before will not usually drop you to the floor or paralyze the entire right side of your face and body. That was a side note, little rant. Sorry about that soapbox. Actually after doing some of this cranial and facial work with her, her episodes became much less frequent and less severe, which has been very cool. She actually did remember after we started working on all this, oh yeah I had a trauma to that side of my face when I was young.

That made sense why doing that cranial and facial work for her may have reduced the symptoms that she was having of this issue. That is still undiagnosed, unless you believe it’s anxiety, but she is not suffering anymore and she’s able to have those episodes be much less frequent and much less severe, which has been very cool. This cranial work I do this with all my babies, every single baby that comes in, I’m always checking the head. So when babies are born, when they go through the birth canal, their cranial bones are designed to overlap. Actually let me back up. I said something earlier about making sure the cranial bones are moving properly in adults, right? Sometimes my patients say what do you mean by that? Because we think about our skull as being one big blocky bone, right? It’s one big bone it encases our brain and it’s hard and it shouldn’t move right? But between each of those cranial bones is a suture. It’s a suture line, it’s a joint line of fibrous connective tissue. Those sutures should be slightly flexible.

The reason that’s important is because as we breathe, our cranial bones should move [inaudible 00:09:21]. It is very slight, they should pump slightly. That’s what pumps our cerebral spinal fluid. It pumps that CSF that fluid throughout our brain, down our spinal cord and back up again. That’s our cranial sacral part of this. It’s called craniosacral therapy because it’s pumping from our brain all the way down our spinal cord to the sacrum and back up. That is crucial for delivering nutrients and removing toxins from the brain. It’s our waste removal system and our nutrient delivery system to our brain. So super important that the cranials are all moving correctly, that none of the sutures are jammed or cranium overlapped. Then when we say that we’re unwinding the cranium, what I’m really talking about is that connective tissue that’s under the skull that is wrapping around our brain, that’s called our dura, dura mater.

That dura is a really strong tough connective tissue that wraps around our brain, and then it wraps around our spinal cord and it goes and it encases all of it. That is just like when we talked about the myofascial system that wraps our muscles, and how when it gets twisted everything underneath it can be restricted and locked down. When the dura has tension in it or is twisted, it can affect everything else as well. We’re working on balancing the dura, the dural system that is right inside of our skull and around our spinal cord. That was a side note, I wanted to backtrack a little bit and explain a little more about the cranial work, cranial adjusting and the craniosacral therapy and the unwinding and how they all work together. Going back to our little babies, our little babies’ heads they are not fused yet with those fiber sutures yet, they’re kind of free floating.

That is on purpose that our bodies are so amazing and smart, that knowing that they’re going to have to squeeze through a birth canal, those cranial bones actually overlap each other they’re supposed to, so that they can squeeze through the birth canal. When they exit the birth canal and there’s a sudden release of that pressure, there’s supposed to be what’s called a cranial blowout, all of their cranium expands, and then the cranial bones are supposed to settle back together about perfect. Then they grow and grow and grow, the brain grows, they’re all supposed to be balanced and perfect and then you have a perfect shaped head as an adult. That does not always happen for lots of reasons. What sometimes happens is maybe it was the angle the baby came down, maybe it was the birth circumstances, maybe they had to use a vacuum or forceps or pull a lot to extract the baby, or they had a C-section. Lots of different reasons, even in a perfectly natural birth, maybe the baby’s position was in such a way that there was more pressure on one side of the cranium than the other.

For whatever reason, if the cranium stays stuck or the cranial bone stays overlapped or there’s ridging, that can cause the cranium to get stuck and to stay stuck, and as the brain grows the cranium is not molding and growing and expanding as it should. You’ll see lots of different things. Look at your little babies’ heads, is there ridging, is there overlapping? Is there a flatter spot? Is there a bulging spot? One of the ways you can see if there’s a cranial distortion is if the forehead looks very round and the occiput, which is the back of the skull looks very round. Or maybe it’s the opposite, maybe they look like they’re spread really far this way. They have a really wide head and face, and more short from back to front. That’s a cranial distortion. Maybe you’re told that your baby has a flat spot in the back of their head, and they need a helmet to help to mold this. I would highly, highly, highly recommend first of all, just bring your babies in on the first day and let’s just check them up front.

But if you do get to the point where your babies have not been checked and they are told they need a helmet, if you’re able to try some cranial work first. Because if we can help to open up that cranial suture, if we can unwind the tissue that is restricted or twisted underneath, then the brain might be able to help to mold it on its own as it grows, and the cranium can balance out on its own. Those are all reasons that I do cranial work on babies. Other times I see cranial work really well with babies is when they’re having nursing issues, latching issues, or they’re not, they don’t have a good suck. If moms tell me the baby’s chomping more than they’re sucking, or they don’t seem to have a good suck reflex, they can’t keep in their pacifiers very well, they’re not latching or sucking the breast into their mouth well, they’re just kind of chomping at it. That tells me one of two things. Well, there’s a few things. Two of the things I’m going to talk about right now is the babies might have tension in their TMJ.

Just like we talked about adults can have TMJ, you probably had it since birth. Maybe not, maybe there was some orthodontia or trauma that happened, but maybe you’ve had TMJ issues since birth. Maybe your mom says you wouldn’t breastfeed we had to give you a bottle. Or you wouldn’t take a pacifier it’d always s[ill out of your mouth. Maybe there was some tension in the jaw that kept the baby from opening well, from getting a good latch, from being able to suck because the jaw is stuck. So I always check the cranials, the atlas, that C1 vertebrae again and the jaw. But also the suck reflex one, if they’re just not sucking on anything even when it’s being put directly into their mouth, that tells me that the suck reflex is missing. It makes me worried that the cranial nerves that exit the skull, exit the neck and that come to be in charge of that suck reflex that are in control of that sucking reflex, maybe those are being affected.

So the cranial work can actually help to take pressure off of those nerves and help to restore the sucking reflex. I have seen some good success with that. It’s not the answer for everybody, but it’s such a gentle and wonderful technique to try, babies usually love it. They often settle right in when they’re being adjusted or when we’re doing the unwinding. It’s very comfortable, gentle and easy for them to experience. Those are all great reasons that babies should have their cranials checked as well, and I always do the cranial unwinding with my babies. I think that’s all the things I was going to talk about. Obviously I get very passionate about the cranial work side of things, I absolutely love it. If any of these things are things that you’ve been experiencing or your child or baby has experienced, let’s check it out. Thanks everyone.

My Story – Energy Work

Hey everyone, it’s Dr. Emily Hurley. Thank you for tuning in. If you caught my video last week, I was talking about the level one of dynamic body balancing. When I first started on this journey of learning and training in make body balancing, I had absolutely no idea what it was. I did not know what I was getting myself into, let me say. And I found this really beautiful and life changing body work that Dr. Carol Phillips has created and teaches all over the world and all over the country. So I, last week shared about that level one of dynamic body balancing was that full body mild fascial release. And I shared about some of my experiences in being able to help patients with that since I first was trained in it a couple of years ago. I did want to share my personal story.

This is something I have not shared with very many people. And I want to share it because I think it really demonstrates the beauty of this work. And also, I think it really illustrates why I feel so strongly called to do this work and why I so passionate about sharing it with others. So my goal in sharing my story is that if any portion of it sounds like something that you are looking for in your life, then this is a way for you to find answers like I was looking for at the time. So when I was in chiropractic school, I got an amazing opportunity to do a pediatric rotation in clinic. So this was a really cool opportunity to train with a very well known and well respected chiropractic mentor in the pediatric community. So she always did this very different kind of cranial work on babies.

So I had learned some cranial adjusting in chiropractic school and I really loved it. I’ve always said you suffered from headaches and migraines and I loved the cranial adjusting that I was learning in school. But when I observed Dr. Periot  in our pediatric rotation, when I observed her cranial work, it was completely different from what I had learned. And babies, kids, teenagers, adults, they loved it. Their bodies just melted. We saw really amazing results. And so I started asking her, can you teach me this cranial work? Well, I want to do this. And she told me, no. I’m not going to teach it to you. This is Carol Phillips work, and you need to learn it from her. And so I did. I signed up for Carol’s class and I was excited to go and learn more about cranial work.

I had no idea that dynamic body balancing included this full body myofascial work. I didn’t know the benefits of it during pregnancy, the type of birth work and labor work we can do with this unwinding technique and I had no idea at all about this energy work component that what I would be experiencing at the dynamic body balancing seminars. So I definitely say, I did not know what I was getting myself into. I definitely would not have said that I believed in energy work. I probably would’ve said it was something crazy and I would not have signed up if I had known what it was truly. It wasn’t until I experienced this work that I truly believed in it and saw how powerful it could be. So when I arrived at the seminar, I was in a really hard place in my life.

Many of you know that this beautiful clinic that I have the honor to be a part of is Hurley Chiropractic. It is the clinic that my mom founded 26 years ago. And I grew up in this clinic and I was so excited to come and work with her and learn from her. But just a few months before I graduated, my mom passed away. So I was instead thrown into the chaos of trying to learn how to run a business, learn how to be a doctor and learn how to process and grieve this sudden loss of my mom. And I felt to be in a really dark place. I was not processing my anger and my grief well and I didn’t know how. And I did, I felt dark. That’s the only way that I know how to describe it.

I had this heavy, heavy, dark bitterness inside me. And I really started trying to look for, I’ve got to release this. I’ve got to… It’s okay to be angry. It’s okay to grieve. It’s okay to be sad and scared and traumatized. But this dark bitterness and resentment that I had, was not serving me and I didn’t know how to work through it or release it. Side note. I’m a huge, huge advocate for mental health support. And I had a one therapist at the time. And I do want to say that when I do this energy and emotional work with people, it does not replace seeing a wonderful therapist, getting counseling and getting the mental health support that is needed. So I do want to say start there. And this is a beautiful supplement to add on to. Like I’ve said before, like I mentioned last week, it’s great to supplement chiropractic care for the physical pain. But because there is this energetic release that can happen when we’re unwinding the fascia of the body.

There’s energy stored in that connective tissue. Maybe from a trauma. Maybe we had a physical trauma, injured the tissue, injured the body and the fear of the trauma got locked in. Maybe the opposite is true. Maybe an emotional trauma caused our body to create that tension, to protect, to lockdown. Just like when we get stressed, our shoulders get tense or our stomach hurts. Our feelings, our emotions, our experiences can get locked into our body in a lot of ways. So while this can be a little bit more… I mean, I just straight up, I call it voodoo to my patients. I recognize it’s a little more out there than a lot of what we’re doing with our therapy massage, our chiropractic, and a little bit more of that directly science based therapies that we do. But I think we have to recognize that it exists.

It happens. Every day we’re in interacting with energy in our body and other people’s energies. And so to acknowledge it and to work with it is pretty cool. So I had no idea I was getting myself into this but this weekend, this first weekend with Carol Phillips, I don’t know how she knew. I’m really, really good at putting on a happy face and projecting that I’m wonderful and everything is great. I did not share any of my personal story, only that I was a chiropractor and I was interested in learning more about the cranial work she did. Somehow, Carol knew. She has amazing intuition. And from doing this energy work, she can really tune in and pick up on some pretty crazy personal things with people. And that’s exactly what she did with me. So every time that she was going to demonstrate a new portion of this technique and training throughout the weekend, she chose me to demonstrate on.

And let me tell you if she hadn’t and I’d only been observing some of this were work, I would not have bought into it the way I did. But to experience how unwinding the body can release these really powerful emotions and help to process and release this negative energy that I was holding inside of me is amazing. And she knew you crazy stuff about me that I did not share. So it’s pretty interesting. It’s pretty out there, but if it’s something that you feel like you’ve been looking for. If you feel like you’ve been looking for a way to process trauma, grief, anger, sadness. It’s something that I’m really passionate about. And again, I don’t… I’m not a therapist. I’m not replacing mental health support, but to be able to tune in to what your body needs, to where your energy’s at, and to be able to acknowledge it and hold a space to process and work through it, it’s pretty life changing.

And so that’s the experience that I had. I was able to release so much anger, resentment, bitterness, and that darkness inside of me throughout that weekend, through doing the unwinding, I described to you guys. Through unwinding, as we unwind the fascial system, that energy is stored in there. And so we’re able to create amazing change in our emotions, in our energy and in the physical aspect of what we’re doing too. So if this is something that sounds like what you’re looking for, please, please let me know. And the other part of it is you don’t have to talk about it. You can come and we can work and unwind and release things, and you never have to share with me what you’re feeling or what you’re releasing. It works whether or not we talk it out. Sometimes talking about it is useful in the moment when it bubbles to the surface.

Some people it’s part of their process to just speak about it as we’re letting it go. That was not the case for me. When Dr. Carol Phillips and everyone in my class was working on me and I was at times on the floor crying, I didn’t share what I was feeling or where I’d come from or why I was upset. So if that part seems daunting to you is not a necessary portion of this type of work. So we don’t have to even know what we’re working on. You may not know that it’s from a specific trauma. You may just know that you have a heaviness that you want to try to release and that you want to have some personal growth, and maybe you want to work through some limiting beliefs you have, and you want to get better. So again, please let me know if this is something that calls to you. If it’s something that you feel would benefit you, and I would absolutely love to help in any way. Thanks everyone.